Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Google Analytics

I recently installed a program to track my blog views called Google Analytics. It took a day to set up and now it will give me information about various things on my blog, like the city where people view it from and how long they view it for. Hopefully, and in not too long, it won’t say only one visitor. It would be nice also to not have the map only shaded for the US, meaning people from other parts of the world are reading my blog. Amazingly, I am pretty sure, the one person who looked at it was on my blog for 5 minutes and 41 seconds! I didn’t know reading one post could be so time consuming or interesting!

This tool where be more useful once my blog gets going more. It will be interesting to see if people look for more than the first page. Also, to see how people get linked to my blog will be fascinating.

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